Joining the Elite Swim School

Joining the Elite Swim School

We operate separate classes for children and adults and grade the classes according to ability. Courses normally last for 10 weeks.

You can find more details of the classes and the prices in the Lesson Details section. The terms and conditions and the parent code of conduct can be found in the terms and Conditions Section.

We experience high demand for courses and operate a waiting list for new attendees. To ensure continuity, priority is given to existing students, which means that available spaces may only become apparent at the beginning of a course as we see who has completed payments. You can apply at any time, but we will not know about availability and will not be able to allocate spaces until a week or two into each course. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please complete the appropriate form below.

The next course begins in June 2024 and we will start sending our notifications of available spaces after the beginning of that course.

Child Lessons

Adult Lessons

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